Get the resumethat gets you hired in Canada
Stand out in the Canadian job market with expertly crafted resumes and LinkedIn profiles tailored for your success.



Business Owner


Custom-Tailored Resumes to get ahead in the Canadian employment market
Say Goodbye to Job Search Frustrations.
Resumes so Compelling, They're Irresistible.
Achieve more with a resume that displays your strengths, works with recruiting software, and earns you interviews.
Not landing job interviews?
You might have the right skills, but your generic or outdated resume just isn’t showing them! That’s where we come in.
Our successes
We’ve helped thousands of professionals with better resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles.
We’ll write and you’ll love it
Unlike budget services, we have a unique process and exclusive team of highly trained writers with a special focus on collaboration.
24/7 Support
Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

How we are different
Why Choose NewLocal Resume Writing Service?
Specialized knowledge of Canadian job market trends
The service is tailored specifically for newcomers, focusing on adapting their unique professionals experiences to the context of the Canadian market.
ATS optimization
The resumes are crafted to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems, which is crucial for job applications in Canada
Focus on transferable skills
NewLocal emphasizes highlighting transferable skills that are relevant to the Canadian job market, helping newcomers showcase their value to potential employers
Our Resume Writing Process
Our comprehensive resume-writing methodology boasts a stunning 98% success rate in securing interviews for newcomers.
Consultation: We learn about your experience and career goals
Writing: Our team of seasoned professionals crafts your new resume
Review & Revise: You provide feedback on the initial draft, we refine until you're 100% satisfied
Review & Revise: You provide feedback on the initial draft, we refine until you're 100% satisfied
LinkedIn Optimization
From 300+ Customer Reviews
Best in Class!
Complete LinkedIn profile optimization
Professional headline crafting
Keyword-rich summary and experience sections
Advice on profile photo, background image, and other visual elements
Strategies for building a professional network in Canada
Resume Writing
Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention
3 Business Days Turnaround
ATS-optimized format
Customized for Canadian employers
Unlimited Document Revisions
1 Professionally Written Resume in editable Word & PDF Document
Resume + LinkedIn Package
Bespoke Resume and a fully optimized LinkedIn Profile suitable for Canadian market
Most popular
5 Business Days Turnaround
Everything in the Resume writing plan, plus
Complete LinkedIn profile optimization
10% discount when purchased together
Professional headline crafting
Keyword-rich summary and experience sections
Advice on profile photo, background image, and other visual elements
Strategies for building a professional network in Canada

Are you ready to start your Canadian job search?
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